Accessing a Task

General Overview

The Tasks section represents all the steps tied to the estates or trust process. In the Estates module, each completed task will result in a percentage increase in case progress.

Each task found in this section can take the form of either something informational, a document upload, a form to fill out or an integration with a third-party service to submit information.

The list of tasks can be completely customized for any organization, jurisdiction or process. If you require a custom task checklist, please contact for assistance.


Interacting with Tasks

Selecting a task in the list will bring up the task contents on the right-hand side of the screen. You can change the task status from incomplete to:

  • Not applicable (increases case progress the same as choosing complete does);
  • In Progress;
  • Complete.

Setting a due date will create a deadline in the Overview section. It will also automate email reminders to the task assignee.

You can assign the task to yourself or another collaborator.

Within the to-do list, you can create subtasks that can be checked off throughout the process.

You can also add notes to a task, and tag your team members using the @ symbol. Additionally, you can attach relevant files to the task.

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