Estate Overview Page

Upon accessing an estate or trust file, you will land on the "Overview" page (see below.) 


Deceased/Settlor Information

In this section is a summary of basic information about the deceased (in the case of an estate file) or the settlor (in the case of a trust file). Use the pencil icon in the top-right corner of the box to edit this information; you will be redirected to the appropriate place in the Intake form to make changes.


Any upcoming tasks that are not marked as complete will show up in this section. Using the drop-down list at the top of the box, it's possible to toggle between phases of the process

Only the first four tasks will be previewed; to see more, click View All Tasks.


Any pre-calculated or added deadlines that were added to tasks will populate in this section. Similar to the Task List, only four deadlines can be previewed at once.

Click View all Deadlines to see more; a window will pop up with the complete list. Additionally, you can use the drop-down list at the top of the pop-up to filter by Active or Completed deadlines.


The documents most recently added to the case file will appear here. Click "View all documents" to see more.

Add New Note

You can add notes to the file that will appear in the File Activities section.

To tag a co-collaborator on the file in a note, type the "@" symbol. Then, choose the colleague's name in the drop down list that appears. Once you post your note, your co-collaborator will receive an email notification that links to your message.

Use the paperclip icon below the text box to add a file to your note.

File Activities

This section will log changes to the file, including the creation of new documents, beneficiaries, executors, inventory items, tasks, transactions, and notes on the file.

Use the drop-down list in this section to filter between Activity Types.

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