Trust Case Creation

There are two ways you can open a trust file.

Opening a trust from an existing estate file

In the Estates tab, locate the estate file that you'd like to open a trust from.

Click on the three-dot menu, and select "Create trust."


Note that you will still need to go through the case creation wizard, but the responses will be pre-populated for you based on information from the estate. 

Opening a trust file from scratch

Begin by accessing the Trusts tab, and clicking Add New Trust.


The Case Creation wizard will be opened. Add the following information as you are prompted:

  1. Jurisdiction (and courthouse, if applicable)
  2. Trust type (Inter Vivos or Testamentary)
  3. Trust discretion: between non-discretionary and discretionary
  4. (Optional) Upload the trust deed
  5. Settlor information: Name, address, date of birth, and, if testamentary, date of death
  6. Social insurance number of the settlor
  7. Mandate type (corporate trustee or acting on behalf of trustee)
  8. Trustee information

Review the details you've entered, and hit "Confirm" to save your changes. Once you are ready, you can click on the file to open it.

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